
Hey it’s chloe

I’m a painter from Nebraska.

I love a lot of facets. Fantasy. Nature. Realism. I got started making portraits of my favorite fictional characters, but now I’m obsessed with painting (almost) everything.

You inspire me too.

I love to paint fanart, faces, animals, pet portraits, abstract, extremely emotional scenes, old photos, your personal MMO character… even landscapes.

My oil painting style varies from Alla-prima to multiple layers. I also do mixed media and watercolor.

What drives me to create?

Aside from loving stories, it could be (and most often is) something small. A gesture, a glance, a color, sound, or a small scent on the wind; music, a song lyric, movie quote… anything. The little details inspire me to paint every single day. I have more ideas than time, so I remain quite busy!

It was nice bonding with you.
